Village Hall Talk
At 7.30 pm on Friday 17th May I shall be giving a talk on instrument building in Whitley Chapel village hall. Called ‘The Art and Craft of Guitar Building’, it will be an extended version of the talk I gave there nearly five years ago – I would never have believed it was so long ago before I checked.
I’ll be talking about how I became an instrument maker (quite by accident), some of the difficulties and set-backs I encountered, and some of my customers. I’ll be showing images of guitars in various stages of construction and bringing along completed instruments, together with examples of work in progress. At the end of the talk I’ll be happy to answer questions.
As before, all are welcome; for my last talk we had visitors from as far as London, Manchester and Aberdeen as well as a large local audience.

Tickets cost £10 for adults, £5 for under 16s, and are available on the bar or from Austin on 01434 673325
There will be a bar selling wine, beer and soft drinks.
As before, all profits will go towards the maintenance and improvement of our village hall, which is such an important part of local life.