During a recent visit to my technical advisor in Melbourne Australia, I met up with a group of Australian guitar builders. They are fanatical about guitars and guitar design, and build a variety of instruments, from conventional to highly innovative. We got together last year for a social event, but this year made it a little more formal. I gave them my views on life, the universe and guitar building before we had a general discussion covering different aspects of guitar design and guitar building. I showed them a Martin Simpson model in Malaysian Blackwood, and looked at guitars they had brought with them.
The builders included Dan Robinson, Jack Spira, Bob Connor, Joe Gallacher, Trevor Phillips, and Dave Snelling. The convention was organised by Dan Robinson and took place at his lovely house in a lovely setting near Ballarat. I enjoyed the afternoon immensely, as I think did everyone there.

Talking to an audience that’s either spellbound or half asleep

Joe Gallacher playing my MS model, with wife Marge, Daniel Hoban (left) daydreaming and Jack Spira (right) paying close attention

Playing and discussing one of Joe Gallacher’s (I think) guitars